TaChen – TKA domestic aluminum coil inventory has arrived with more coming in for your 5052 coil needs at all five TSA Processing locations.
We did say all 5!!! Houston (TSA), Arlington (TSD), Chicago (TSC), and Atlanta (TSB) with coils arriving soon in our Richmond, Indiana location.
From .080 48 & 60 wide to .125 48 & 60 wide.
TSA has offered a discount for processing on coils purchased from the TKA depot inventory.
15% discount from May 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019
10% discount from November 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019
TaChen Coils
Item | Item Description | ARDP | VD | Warehouse |
.125485052H32 | 5052-H32 .125" X 48" ALUM COIL | Domestic | XK | TSB |
.125485052H32 | 5052-H32 .125" X 48" ALUM COIL | Domestic | XK | TSC |
.125485052H32 | 5052-H32 .125" X 48" ALUM COIL | Domestic | XK | TSA |
.125485052H32 | 5052-H32 .125" X 48" ALUM COIL | Domestic | XK | TSD |